How To Generate Leads Into Sales?

The quickest way to make sales is to get your leads to buy after they opt in, using a specific simple way.

Generate Leads Into Sales?

Here are 3 little-known secrets on how to get more free leads for your business, and I truly believe that these secrets will lead you to your next break through as they are doing for me, so let’s not delay, and let’s get started.  Hope you guys are excited.

Secret #1:  Never let your content dead-end

When I first got started online and started making videos or posts and release it on social media or post and at the end of the video I would not know how to tell people what to do next .

However, with a simple call to action like “If you got value form this video, I believe you will love my 3 little-know secrets on how to get more FREE leads to your business.  Go to”

You can start getting 3-5 leads each and everyday using this simple formula.

Secret #2:  Release “Honey Pots” on social media

It’s one thing if your followers are growing, It’s another if your followers are actually engaging with you and becoming your leads.  When I was first introduced to “Honey Pots” from one of my mentors, you can generate 50 FREE leads in 24-hours.  Crazy right?

A “Honey Pot” in a social media post you do roughly once per week, mixed with your regular content, where you have people comment below to get something of value.

When someone comments, you ask them for their email to send them whatever you promised in your social media post.

Try this INSTEAD  of just sharing a direct link to the video, webinar registration page, blog post, ect.

Secret #3:  Re-purpose everything you do

Just watch/listen/read something you got value from? Re-purpose your notes into a video and turn it into a honey-pot.

Just get interviewed on a podcast? Consider turning it into a honey-pot.

Hosted a webinar? Turn it into a honey-pot.

Just had a powerful conversation with a mentor? Turn your top take aways into a honey-pot.

Just had a breakthrough? Show how it happened.

ALWAYS be thinking could I re-purpose to multiply my time.  You want to get the max benefit out of least amount of time.

You can generate hundreds of FREE leads just by simply re-purposing.

And although these 3 secrets are powerful and they will work for you and your business, no matter what industry, and I recommend you start doing this, and I urge you to recognize you actually don’t want leads.


And the only way to CUSTOMERS is to have a automated selling process to get those leads to pull out their credit-card and buy from you.

I call this automated selling process the “Invisible Infrastructure” and beneath you’ll se a link that will say “Register me for your FREE Webinar.”

When you click that link it will take you to a new page where you can register for a FREE webinar from one of my mentors Mark Hoverson.  He’s earned over $20,000,000 online.

On this webinar you’ll learn how to build your “Invisible Infrastructure” which was responsible for you leaving whatever you were doing on Social Media by clicking one of my ads or posts, opt-in into my Capture Page.

Click this link “Register me for a FREE webinar.”  It’s the same webinar that gave me the confidence and clarity to finally begin, and you can begin generating sales online (aka creating customers) with less human effort, less friction and more joy.  I’m pumped it will do it for you.

Warning: Not sure how much longer the webinar will be to attend.

Click this link “Register me for your FREE webinar” and learn how you can turn your leads into paying customers.

Talk soon,





















































































How To Fight Sickness

Oxidation and living tissue equal sickness and aging, slow down oxidation and you’ll slow down sickness and aging faster than anything you can do.

How to fight sickness

There is a couple of thins that I want to cover and I want you to pay close attention.  Sickness and aging is due to oxidation in the body.  If you take an avocado on a day like today, cut it in half, put it on the kitchen table, go to the store, come back and you’ll know what oxidation is, if you don’t believe the avocado the banana will tell you the same thing.  Lettuce turns brown.

The fastest thing that was found that we ingest to oxidize is soda, it’s the worst for you.  Take a old penny, put it in a cup of soda for a day and see what it will do.  It’ll eat through it.  Soda has (+400) in Oxidation Reduction Potential.  If you want to get old fast drink a lot of soda, you’ll get there first.  You win.

Some of the sports drinks and tap water we were led to believe it was good for us.


If you go to Vitamin C it goes to (-50) approximately in anti-oxidant.  Green teas is about (-80) they say drink green tea.  Then you have all the berries, and the highest that was found is cod liver oil, if you drink a pitcher of cod liver oil a day, It’s very good for you, you’ll probably slip and slide everywhere but It’s good for you.

Now take a look at Kangen Water it goes from (-300), (-400) as high as (-700) and (-800) there is nothing higher than than that.  All it is, is water, great tasting water.

Let me tell you about the machine and water.

LevelLuk is the only machine that is licensed as a medial device.  The largest and the most prestigious group of Doctors in Asia 6,500, endorsed the only machine as a medial device for preventative medicine of disease.  It’s made, sold and used as a medical device.  Most of the hospitals in Japan own that machine.

If you press a button on the machine it will make water that will kill 99.9% of bacteria.  If you have a greasy kitchen top and you use 409, Fantastic, Windex and you spray the water it will out clean the oil faster, better than anything you have in the kitchen.

When you drink the water it will hydrate your brain in approximately 30-60 seconds.  It will reach every part of your skin in 10 minutes.  If you have bad acne you should see what it will do for your kids and friends in 30-60 days.

Dr. Shinya is world renowned for his invention.  World renowned doesn’t mean you should know his face, but he’s world renowned for the procedure he invented, colonoscopy.  It’s a procedure where instead of cutting you, they go inside of you, cut the palet, and take it out. It’s called the Shinya method.

He wrote several books that sold over a half a million copies, this one sold over 2 million “The Enzyme Factor”.  Here is the biggest clue, he prescribes Kangen Water to every single one of his patients as part of their treatment regimen in part of his facility.  He eve says it on the back of his book.  And you should see what it does to his patients.

Here is a couple of pictures.  They’re graphic, but take a look what it did.

Here is a 45 year old female witch Breast Cancer and Chronic Constipation before and after.


Here is a 53 year old male with Prostate Cancer before and after.


Here is a cleansing I think for about 3 days.

Kangen Colin

Before I get into what the water does.  Every single one of the pictures on the right side it’s black and brown, black and brown.  On the left side It’s pink and healthy, pink and healthy.

A disease in a Alkaline state will not survive .  It’s like trying to plant a orchid in the North Pole. It’s not going to happen.  Alkaline equals health.  Acid equals aging and sickness.

When a baby is born it’s Alkaline.  Wanted to know why.  Because moms amnionic fluid is Alkaline and the baby is in there for 9 months, and when they come out they come out they’re Alkaline.  When a human being dies, they’re acidic.  That is a clue.

When you press a button on the machine it will run the tap water, filter it, charge it, and split it and come out on the other end the most powerful anti oxidant on the planet, and discard the bad water on the bottom.

Stars like Oprah Winfrey, Anthony Robbins, Jennifer Lopez, top performance athletes, celebrities drink Knagen Water.  Imagine what the water will do for your health, being, aging.  You see how Tonny Robbins is running all over the stage crazy for hours.  How Oprah lost a lot of weight, she’s brighter, healthier, more charismatic.  How Jennifer performs.

This water has the ability to hydrate your brain in 30-60 seconds, penetrate you at a cellular level, detox you better than most of the product out there.  Why? because It’s water.

The water is micro-cluster, meaning it’s small water.  It’s the highest water in anti-oxidant and to Alkaline your body.  It will help with acid reflex, arthritis, diabetes, joint pains, your sleep, back pains.

If you have a skin condition like eczema it will help it.  if you got inflammation it will help that’s why it helps with gout and It’s anti-inflammatory.  Watch what the water will do to oil.

The company does it’s own financing, zero credit turndown.  They just moved to North America, monthly revenue is about 30 million.  It’s the only ionizer in the market that is licensed as a medial device by the Japanese association of preventative medicine for disease.  It’s the Mercedes Benz in the industry.

Change your water, change your health.  People will pay more for health than for anything else.  What the machine will do for you will cost you less that what you will pay for hospital bills, medication, healthy, aging.  It will change your finances.

Talk soon,



Way To Boost Your Immune System

Sickness and aging is due to oxidation.  Slow down oxidation and you’ll slow down sickness and aging.

Way to boost your immune system

Sickness and aging is due to oxidation.  Reduce oxidation and you’ll reduce sickness and aging faster than anything you can do.

Take a avocado on a day like today, cut it in half, put it on the kitchen table, go shopping, come back and you’ll know what oxidation is.  If you don’t believe the avocado, the banana will tell you the same thing.  Lettuce turns brown.

The worst thing that was found was soda to ingest, It oxidizes the fastest.  It has(+400) Oxidation Reduction Potential.  If you want to get old fast drink a lot of soda, you’ll get there first.  You win.

We were led to believe some of the sports drinks and tap water was good for us. If you go to Vitamin C it goes to (-50) in anti-oxidants.  Green tea is (-80) then you have all the berries.  The highest that was found is cod liver oil.  If you drink a pitcher of cod liver, It’s very good for you, you’ll probably slip and slide everywhere but It’s good for you.

Now take a look at Kangen Water, it goes from (-300), (-400) up to (-700) and (-800) in anti-oxidants.  There is nothing higher than that.  What you’re drinking right there is the highest anti-oxidant liquid that is found.

The company is Enagic.  Enagic is the only company that produces LevelLuke that is licensed as a medical device.  If you press a button on the machine it will produce water that will kill 99.9% of bacteria, e-coli, staph, mildew, fungus, salmonella.  If you have a greasy kitchen top and you use 409, Windex, Fantastic, and you spray it with the water it will out clean the greasy faster and better then anything you have in the kitchen.

The machine is not a water filter, It’s a medical device.  It’s the only machine that is endorsed by the Japanese association of preventative medicine for disease.  The largest and the most prestigious group of doctors in Asia 6,500.

How would you like to have that machine in your kitchen.  Kangen Water will help you with acid reflex, arthritis, joints, diabetes, sleep better, back pains, inflammation, detox your body.  Any health problems that you might be having, it will help it.  And not going to the Doctor as much, or getting off your medication.

World renowned Dr. Shinya invented a procedure called colonoscopy where they don’t cut you, they go inside of you, cut the palet and take it out.  It’s called the Shinya method.  He travels all around the world to help celebrities, Presidents, Queens.

To every single one of his patients he prescribes Kangen Water as a part of their treatment regiment in part of his facility.  You should see what it does to his patients.

3 Things you should know about Kangen Water

It’s Alkaline

We were told that our body has a normal temperature of 98.6 and if it goes up tomorrow, you should do something about it.  We were also never told that our body has a normal PH Balance 7.365 and it goes up as you get older, and it doesn’t warn you like a temperature.

When a baby is born it’s Alkaline.  The reason is because moms amnionic fluid is pure Alkaline and the baby is in there for 9 months and when they come out, they’re Alkaline.  When a human being dies they’re acidic.  The more Alkaline is your body the less likely you’ll get sick and reverse the affects of aging.

The water has anti-aging properties, it will hydrate your brain in 30-60 seconds and it has the ability to reach every part of your skin in about 10 minutes.  Healthy cells promote healthy cells.  The water has the potential to penetrate you at a cellular level, flush your system and detox you.  Imagine how much you can save on medication and hospital bills.

You should see what it will do for your kids acne in 30-60 days.


The water has the highest anti-oxidant properties.  The less oxidation means less sickness and aging.  Human disease cannot live in a Alkaline state, it’s like trying to plant a orchid in the North Pole.  It will keep your body hydrated, functional, cleansed.  How you flush your body will determine how you age, what it will get, how it will perform.  The water, just the water will do better what a lot of medication, detox products do.

The water is unbelievable, you can call it the miracle water, water of life, fountain of youth.

The water will give you better health, will stop aging, more energy, sleep better.



The water has the ability to penetrate you at a cellular level.  It’s micro cluster water, the machine will filter the water that goes though it, charge it and split it and it will come out on the other end the most powerful anti-oxidant on the planet.

People like Oprah Winfrey, Anthony Robbins, Jennifer Lopes drink and use the water.  Have you noticed how healthy, bright, young they are.  Full of energy, what do you think they’re secret is.  How would you like to fell and look like them in public with a bright young happy glow, full of energy and health.

Don’t wait too long to change your health, they way you’ll look and feel.  Watch this presentation right here about Kangen Water, what it will do for you and how you can own the machine.

Make it a better life for you,

Talk soon,


How To Fight Cancer

Sickness and aging is due to oxidation.  Reduce oxidation and you’ll reduce sickness and aging faster than anything you can do.

How To Fight Cancer

There is 3 things that I wanted to talk to you about.  There is a procedure that a world renowned Dr. Shinya prescribes to every single one of his patients as part of their treatment in his facility.  You should see what happens to his patients.

1. Anti-Oxidant

2. Micro-Cluster

3. Alkaline


What is oxidation.  Take an avocado on a day like today, cut it in half, put it on the kitchen table, go to the store, come back and you’ll know what oxidation is.  If you don’t believe the avocado, the banana will tell you the same thing.  Lettuce turns brown.

Living tissue and oxidation equal sickness and aging.  Slow down oxidation and you’ll slow down sickness and aging faster than anything you can do.

The worst thing to oxidize that was found, that we ingest is soda.  It’s (+400) in oxidation potential.  It’s the fastest thing to oxidize. Take a old oxidized penny and put in a cup of soda for a day, see what happens.  If you want to get old fast drink a lot of soda, you’ll get there first.  You win.


We were led to believe that some of the sport drinks and tap water was good for us.

If you go to Vitamin C it goes to (-50) in Oxidation Reduction Potential.  Green tea is about (-80) , then you have all the berries.   The highest one that was found is cod liver oil, If you drink a pitcher or cod liver oil everyday, it’s very good for you.  You’ll probably slip and slide everywhere but it’s good for you.

Now take a look at Kangen Water, it goes from (-300), (-400), as high as (-700) and (-800) in Oxidation Reduction Potential. There is nothing higher than that.


When you drink the water it hydrates your brain in 30-60 seconds, and reach every part of your skin in approximately  10 minutes.  The water is micro-cluster and has the ability to penetrate you at a cellular level.


We were told that our body has a normal Temperature of 98.6 and if it goes up tomorrow, we have to do something about it.  What we weren’t told that our body also has a normal PH Balance of 7.365, it goes up as you get older, and it doesn’t warn you like a Temperature.

When a baby is born it’s Alkaline, people want to know why? Because moms amnionic fluid is Alkaline, and the baby is in there for 9 months.  When they come out, they’re Alkaline.  When a human being dies, they’re acidic.  That is a clue.

When ever they check Cancer patients, not 80%, not 90%, not 99%, 100% of all cancer patients are over loaded with acid.

Dr. Otto Warburg got a Nobel Prize for advancing human kind in medicine.  If you don’t know what a Nobel Prize is, It’s the highest award an individual could get on the planet.  He got one for medicine.  He found the root of cancer, guess what says all over his report, the way to help cancer is “Alkaline”.  No human disease can survive in a Alkaline state.  It’s like trying to plant an orchid in the North Pole, It ain’t gone happen.

Acid in your body always equal sickness.

World renowned Dr. Shinya is renowned for his invention.  You’re looking at a doctor that helped invent the procedure colonoscopy.  If you don’t know what it is, it will sneak up on you one of these days.  It’s a time release joke.  He invented the procedure where they cut the palet, instead of cutting you, they go inside of you, cut it and take it out.  It’s called the Shinya method.  As a matter affect he’s written several books that sold over a half a million copies.  This one has sold over 2 million “The Enzyme Factor”.  He can tell you form a picture, your diet, probably your age, the problem.  The biggest clue is he prescribes Kangen Water to every single one of his patients as a part of their treatment in part of his facility.  As a matter affect he says it on the back of his book.

You should see what it does for his patients.  These picture are graphic.  Take a look.

This is a 45 year old female with Breast Cancer and Chronic Constipation.


This is a 52 year old male with Prostate Cancer.


This is i think about 2 days of cleansing.

Kangen Colin

On the left side it’s dark and brown.  On the the right side pink and healthy.

Enagic is the company that produces LeveLuke.

What is Enagic

Enagic is a 40 year old company that does it’s own manufacturing.  They do about 450 million plus in Annual Revenue.  If you go to Enagic you’ll see all kinds of award, medical ones.  The one that catches the eye is the ISO,  they give the strictest manufacturing guidelines.  No other ionizer in the market place has those.  Enagic is the first one.

Now pay attention.  This is not a water filter.  This is a medial device.  The machine will produce water that will kill 99.9% of bacteria.  If you press a button on the machine, if you have a greasy kitchen top where you spray Windex, 409, Fantastic.  If you spray the water it will out clean the greasy faster, better than anything you have in the kitchen.  If you have a skin condition like eczema, it will help it.


The machine you’re reading about is manufactured, sold and licensed as a medical device by the Japanese association of preventative medicine.  It is the largest and the most prestigious group of Doctors 6,500 that ever endorsed  an ionizer.  It’s approved by the Japanese association oh health and welfare.

Look looking at the Mercedes Bens in the industry.  What it does, what it can do for you.  Nothing compares to this.  It will same you money, give you a healthier life than anything else out there, and change your finances.

Watch the short presentation how to better your life and finances.

Talk soon,





How Knagen Water Will Get Rid Of Sickness And Aging

Healthy Cells Produce Healthy Cells.

How Kangen Water Will Get Rid Of Sickness

Here is some of the things Kangen Water kelps with: Acid reflex, arthritis, joints, diabetes, sleep better, back pains.  Many other things That World Renowned Dr. Shinya prescribes Kangen Water to ever one of his patients as part of their treatment in part of his facility.

He travels around the world and helps celebrities, Presidents, Queens and many other people.

What is Kangen Water and Enagic

If you go to Enagic you’ll see all kind of awards, medical ones.

The machine is not a water filter it’s a medical device. Watch the video.  If you press a button on the machine it will produce water that will kill 99.9% of bacteria in 30-60 seconds.  A water filter never did that.  if you have a skin condition like eczema, it will help it.


The machine will produce water of 2.5 PH acidic water.

LevelLuk is the only one that is endorsed by the Japanese association.  It has all the seals of the preventative medicine for disease.  The ones that catch some eye are by IOS – they give the strictest guidelines in manufacturing.


No other ionizer in the market place has those seals.  Enagic is the first one.  This is the largest and the most prestigious group of Doctors in Asia 6,500.  That’s the first ionizer they’d ever endorsed.  it has all the credentials, and it’s the only one licensed as a medical equipment.  This is the top of the line.

Every unit compares them self to this one, we’re the same only half off, we’re the same only $1,000 cheaper.  No, you’re cheaper because you’re cheaper.  This is the Mercedes Benz in the industry.

This unit makes 5 types of water.


This unit right here makes water if your kitchen top becomes greasy, when you put Windex, Fantastic, 409 use all of them and wipe it.  And when you take this water and spray it, it will out clean the oil better, faster than anything you have in your kitchen.

It’s approved as a medical device, and it’s designed to last 20-25 years.  and you know how it lasts that long? By the units that are out in the market place.  This is not a 1 year old company that telling you this unit will last 10 years.  How do they?  It is out there right now.

Here is 3 things it has.

1. Anti-Oxidant

2. Micro-Cluster

3. Alkaline

Let me tell you some things about it.


So oxidation and living tissue equal sickness and aging.  Actually you want to slow the aging process down, and slowing down oxidation will slow sickness and aging down faster than anything you can do.

This unit when the water goes through it, it filters it, charges it, and splits it, you can read about it, it has the technology that makes it the highest anti-oxidant liquid that has been able to be found.

Also it’s anti-inflammatory, that’s why it helps with Gout, that’s why it helps with inflammation issues.  That’s why it helps people that have Edema.  And it’s also anti aging, it has anti aging properties.  It has the ability to slow down aging, because the water as you’ll see in number 2 has the ability to get to your cells and clean them.  And healthy cells produce healthy cells.

The water has very high Oxidation Reduction Potential.  This is what was checked out.  The worst one that we found was soda for the thing we ingest, that’s the worst one.  It has (+400) in Oxidation Reduction Potential.  it’s one of the fastest thing to oxidize.  If you don’t know what oxidation is take an avocado on a day like today, cut it in half, put it on the kitchen table, go to the store, come back and you’ll know what oxidation is.  The banana will tell you the same  thing, lettuce turns brown.

if you want to get old faster, drink a lot of soda, you’ll get there first.  You win.  Sport drinks and some of the tap water we were led to believe it was supposed to be good for us.


If you take a meter and go here —> it goes to plus.  If you go to Vitamin  C it goes to (-50) approximately in anti-oxidant.  Green tea is right here, look at the that about (-80), then all the berries.  And the highest that was found is cod liver oil.  You know what if you drink a pitcher of cod liver oil every day, it’s very good for you.  You’ll probably slip and slide everywhere but it’s good for you.

Now take a look at Kangen Water, it goes from (-300), (-400), as high as (-700) and (-800) in anti oxidant. That’s the highest one that is found.  There is nothing higher than that.  Let me tell you what happens when you drink the water.  It hydrates your brain in approximately 30-60 seconds.  People might think it’s a head ache they get, but it’s a head rush.  Second it has the ability to touch every part of your skin in 10 minutes or so.  you should see what it will do to your skin, friends and children if they have bad acne.  You should see the skin in 30-60 days.


the water has the ability to penetrate you.  Unbelievable water.  This is the most important thing here.  We’e taught that we’re 72% water.  And this is what I wasn’t taught, how you flush this machine will determine how it ages, what it gets and how it performs.  It’s sort of common sense, you have two car owners, one takes care of his car, one doesn’t, if you change the oil every 3,000 miles it will last longer and perform better as it ages.


All this information that I will be giving you is accurate, you can Google it, it will come back the same, go to the library, it will come back the same.  You can ask Doctors, they’ll basically will tell you the same thing.  Alkaine in your body always equal health.  Acid in your body always equal sickness.  I never knew that.  Because that’s where they thrive, they grow, that’s what activates them.  Acid causes all the problems .

Here is another thing I found out.  Human disease cannot survive in a Alkaline state.  It’s like trying to plant a orchid in the North Pole.  It ain’t gone happen.  Here is another.  When a child is born it’s Alkaline.  I never knew that.  Because moms amniotic fluid is Alkaline, pure Alkaline.  And the baby is in there for 9 months.  When they come out they’re Alkaline.  When a human being dies they’re acidic.

Now I’m going to say this again.  When you’re born.  When you die.  That is called a clue.

What is the worst thing that happened in the United States.  Because several decades ago it used to be called a heart attack.  Today it’s something called cancer.  Number 1 problem, you can check it out.  Number 1 problem in North America.

Now here is the thing.  Whenever they check Cancer patients, not 80%, not 90%, not 99%, 100% of all Cancer patients are over loaded with acid.

See I was told that I had a normal Temperature of 98.6, if it goes up tomorrow, I have to do something about it.  I never knew I also had a normal PH Balance and it keeps moving up as you get older, and it doesn’t warn you like a Temperature.  Not saying to stop eating salmon or blueberries, saying you need to balance it out.

World Renowned Dr. Shinya is know for his invention colonoscopy.  He invented the procedure, instead of cutting you, they go inside of you, cut the palet and take it out.  It’s called the Shinya method.  He wrote several books that sold half of million copies, that on “The Enzyme Factor”.  He prescribes Kangen Water to every single one of his patients as a part of their treatment regiment in part of his facility.  He even says it on the back of his book.

You should see what it does to his patients.  These picture are a bit graphic.  Take a look.

52 year old male with prostate cancer.  Before and after 3 months on Knagen Water.


45 year old female with Breast Cancer and Chronic Constipation.  Before and after 3 months on Kangen Water.


This is I think after like 2 days of cleansing.

Kangen Colin

On the left side it’s dark and brown, dark and brown.  On the left side it’s always pink and healthy, pink and healthy.  The water is unbelievable.

The company does it’s own financing, zero credit turn down, that’s how confident and strong the company is.  If the machine was sold in stores it would have a 2 to 3 times retail markup.  You’ll get the machine directly from the manufacturer.  Learn more and get you machine here.  I’ll get in contact with you.

To your health and success,






How To Flush Your Body

Cleaner cells produce healthy cells.

How Flush Your Body Like In A Hospital

There is a way to flush your body that World Renowned Dr. Shinya prescribes to every single one of his patients as part of their treatment regiment do to cancer and other illnesses.

If you don’t know who Dr. Shinya is, he’s World Renowned for his invention colonoscopy, it’s a procedure where they don’t cut you, they go inside of you, cut the palet, and take it out.  He wrote several books that sold over half a million copies, this one, The Enzyme Factor sold over two million copies and on the back of the book he tells you how he does it. Kangen Water.

Here are some of the pictures before and after about 3 months of treatment.  Picture are a bit graphic, take a look.

This is a 45 year old female with Breast Cancer and Chronic Constipation.


This is a 52 year old male with Prostate Cancer, before and after 3 months of treatment on Kangen Water.


Every picture the right side is black and brown, black and brown.  The right side is pink and healthy.

Now take a look what it did for a skin condition eczema after two weeks.


Kangen Water is the highest and the most powerful anti-oxidant in the world.  Dr. Shniya travels all around the world to treat celebrities, Presidents, Queens.  Here is a clue, Tony Robbins, Oprah Winfrey,   Jennifer Lopez, many other athletes and celebrities drink Kangen Water.

What the water does when you drink is, it hydrates your brain 30-60 seconds, penetrates you at a cellular level.  Within 10 minutes the water reaches every part of your skin.  The water has the ability to emulsify oil.  In School they teach you water and oil don’t mix, they’ll always separate.  Watch this presentation.  When you press a button on the machine it will make water that will kill 99.9% of bacteria.  If you have a kitchen top, spray the water, it will out clean the oil better, faster than anything you have in the kitchen.

Keep reading and I’ll tell you how to get this machine.


Enagic is a 40 year old company that is Original Equipment Manafacturer, the company started in Japan, and now they’re moving into North America.  This is the only water ionizer that is licensed as a medical equipment.  Most of the Hospitals in Japan carry this machine, and 1 out 6 homes owns one.

Now pay attention this is not a water filter it’s a medical device.

Levelluk is the only one that is endorsed by the Japanese association.  If you go to Enagic it has all the seals of preventative medicine for disease.  The largest and most prestigious group of doctors in Asia 6,500 thats the first ionizer they’d ever endorsed.  it has all the credentials , and it’s the only one that is licensed as a medical equipment.

This is the top of the line, every unit compares them self to this one, we’re the same but half off, we’re the same but $1,000 cheaper, no, you’re cheaper because your cheaper.  What catches the eye is the two IOS award, they give the strictest guidelines in manufacturing and no other ionizer in the market place has these.  Enagic is the first one.

There is 3 things that I wanted to talk to you about.

1. Anti-Oxidant

2. Micro-Cluster

3. Alkaline


Living tissue and oxidation equals sickness and aging.  If you slow down oxidation you’ll slow down sickness and aging faster than anything you can do.  The water has anti-aging properties.

Take an avocado on a day, like today, cut it in half, put it on the kitchen table, go to the store shopping, come back and you’ll know what oxidation is.  If you don’t believe the avocado the banana will tell you the same thing.  Lettuce turns brown.

So oxidation and living tissue equal sickness and aging.  The unit, when the water goes through it, it filters it, charges it, splits it and it makes the highest anti-oxidant liquid that’s been able to find.  Also it’s anti-inflammatory, that’s why it helps with gout, and that’s why it helps with inflammation.

The water has the ability to slow down aging.  Because you’ll see in number 2. has the ability to get to your cells and has the ability to clean them.  And healthy cells produce healthy cells.  The water has a very high Oxidation Reduction Potential.  I’ll tell you about it.

This is what was found.  The worst one that was found is soda.  For the thing we ingest, that’s the worst one, it has (+400) in Oxidation Reduction Potential.


It’s one of the fastest things to oxidize.  You want to get old faster, drink a lot of soda.  You’ll get there first, you win.  Sport drinks and some of the tap water we were led to believe it was good for us. If you take the meter and go —> here it goes to plus.

If you go to Vitamin C it goes to (-50) in Oxidation Reduction Potential.  Green tea is right there about (-80) approximately in anti-oxidants .  Then we have all the berries, and the highest that was found was cod live oil.  You know if you drink a pitcher of cod liver oil every day, it’s very good for you.  You’ll probably slip and slide everywhere but it’s good for you.

Now take a look at Kangen Water, it goes from (-300), (-400), as high as (-700) and (-800) in anti-oxidant.  That’s the highest that is found.  There is nothing higher than that.


The second property it has, hydration, the water is micro-cluster in other words you’re drinking tiny water.  There is big water and tiny water.  You’ve made small water before.  Have you ever boiled a pan of water, left the room, forgot about it, came back and you were cooking nothing but a pan.  Where do you think the water went, as you heat the water it get’s smaller and smaller then becomes something called steam and steam will disappear.

When you’re drinking micro-cluster water it has the ability to penetrate you at a cellular level.  Let me tell you what happens when you drink the water, it hydrates your brain approximately 30-60 seconds.  Some people think they have a head ache, they have a head rush.  Second it has the ability to touch every part of your skin in approximately 10 minutes or so.  You should see what it will do to your friends and kids if they have bad acne.


You should see the skin 30-60 days, it’s because of the water, it has the ability.

Anything you flush will be cleaner.  Question, what are you flushing this with?  and by the way, it is the most important thing in your body.  Our body is 72% water, and how you flush this machine will determine how it ages, what is get’s and how it will perform.


Here is the thing about Alkaline, you can Google it, all the information will come back the same, you can go to the library, all the information will come back the same, you can ask Doctors, basically they’ll tell you the same thing.  Alkaline in your body always equal health.  Acid in your body always equal sickness.  Because that’s where they thrive, that’s what activates them.

Here is something that you should know.  Human disease cannot survive in an Alkaline state.  It’s like trying to plant an orchid in the North Pole, It ain’t gone happen.  Here is another thing.  When a child is born they’re Alkaline, here is why.  Because moms ambianic fluid is Alkaline, pure Alkaline.  And the baby is in there for 9 months.  When they come out they’re Alkaline.

When a human being dies they’re acidic.  Now let me say this again.  When you’re born.  When you die.  That is called a clue.

What is the worst thing happening in the United States, several decades ago they called it a hear attack.  Today it’s something called Cancer.  Number 1 problem in North America.  Now here is the thing, not 80%, not 90%, not 99%, 100% of all Cancer patients are over loaded with acid.

Dr. Otto Warburg received the Nobel Prize for advancing human kind in medicine.  That’s the highest award an individual can get on the planet.  He received it for Medicine, he found the root cause of Cancer.  What is say’s all over his report, over and over again, how to handle it “Alkaline”.

See we were told that our body has a temperature of 98.6, if you wake up and it’s higher, you have to do something about it.  We also have a normal PH Balance, what some didn’t know, it’s 7.365 and it keeps moving up as we get older, but it doesn’t warn you like a temperature.

The company sells the machine directly, if it was retailed it would cost 2 to 3 times more, retail mark up.  The company does it’s own financing, zero turndown credit, it’s affordable.  Watch this presentation and get started with us.  if you have any questions, comment or e-mail me.

Change your water, change your life, change your life, change your finances, be a part of the movement.

See you inside,







How Not To Get Sick

Living tissue and oxidation equals to sickness and aging.

What I’m going to cover today will help you with acid reflex, arthritis, joints, diabetes, sleep better, back pains, cancer, skin conditions, sickness and aging.   Many other things.

How Not To Get Sick

We were told that our body is 75% water, but what most did not know is how you flush this machine right here will determine how it will age, what it gets and how it will perform.

The 3 things that I wanted to talk to you about is:

1. Anti-Oxidant

2. Micro-Cluster

3. Alkaline

Slow down oxidation and you’ll slow down sickness and aging faster than anything that you can do.


Living tissue and oxidation equal to sickness and aging.  Take an avocado on a day like today, cut it in half, leave it on the kitchen table, go to the store, come back and you’ll know what oxidation is.  The banana will tell you the same thing.  Lettuce turns brown.

This is what was checked out.  The worst one that we ingest that was found is soda, it’s (+400) in Oxidation Reduction Potential, it’s one of the fastest things to oxidize.  If you want to get older faster drink a lot of soda, you’ll get there first, you’ll win.  If you take a oxidized old penny, put it in soda for a day and you’ll see what happens.  It’ll eat it up.


Sport drinks and some of the tap water we were led to believe it was good for us.  If you go to Vitamin C it goes up to (-50) approximately in anti oxidants.  Green tea is right there about (-80), then all the berries.  And the highest is cod liver oil.  You know if you drink a pitcher of cod liver oil everyday, it’s very good for you, you’ll probably slip and slide everywhere but it’s good for you.

Now take a look at Kangen Water, it goes up from (-300), (-400) as high as (-700) and (-800) in anti-oxidant.  That’s the highest that is found.  There is nothing higher than this.  This makes it the highest anti-oxidant liquid in the world.  The water has the ability to penetrate you at a cellular level.

When you press a button on the machine it will produce water that will kill 99.9% of bacteria in 30-60 seconds.  It makes 5 types of water.  It makes Kangen Water, Beauty Water, Clean Water, Food Water, Strong Acid Water.  The machine will make water that if you have a greasy kitchen top, you take the water and spray it, it will out clean the oil faster, and better than anything that you have in the kitchen.


The water has the ability to penetrate you at a cellular level, if you drink the water it will hydrate your brain within 30 to 60 seconds, it has the ability to touch every part of your skin in approximately 10 minutes .  In school you were told that oil and water don’t mix, the water has the ability to emulsify the oil.  Watch the video what it does.  Nothing out there like this.

The machine is not a water filter.  This is a licensed medial device.  If you go to Enagic you’ll see all the awards.  If you have a skin condition it will help it.  Some of the images might be disturbing.


LevelLuk is the only one that is endorsed by the Japanese association of preventative medicine for disease.  They use this water in many hospitals to sterilize medical equipment in Asia.

The largest and the most prestigious group of doctors in Asia 6,500, that’s the first ionizer they ever endorsed.  It has all the credentials and it’s the only one that is licensed as a medial equipment.  This is the top of the line.  Every unit compares them self to this one, we’re the same, but we’re half off.  We’re the same but $1,000 cheaper, no, you’re cheaper cause you’re cheaper.

World renowned Dr. Shinya invented the procedure colonoscopy, where they don’t cut you, they go into you, cut the palet, and take it out.  Where he’s at is really strong.  It’s called the Shinya method.  He wrote sever books that sold over a half a million copies, this one sold over two million, The Enzyme Factor.  This Doctor right here is the biggest clue, he travels all around the world and operates and works with celebrities, Royalty.

He can tell from a picture, your diet, probably your age, your problem.  As a part of his treatment regimen he prescribes Kangen Water to every single one of his patients in part of his facility.  As a matter affect he says it on the back of his book.  He doesn’t work for the company, he does his stuff.  You should see what happens to his people.

This is a 45 year old female with breast cancer and Chronic Constipation before and after 3 month on Kangen Water.  Some of these images might be disturbing, but take a look.


Another one of his patients a 52 year old male with prostate cancer, before and after 3 months on Kangen Water.


Every single picture on the right is brown and dark, on the left is pink and healthy.

Dr. Otto Warburg received a nobel prize for advancing the human kind in medicine.  It’s the highest award that an individual can get on the planet.  He got his for medicine because he found the root of cancer.

All over his report is says over and over how to help handle cancer “Alkaline”.  When ever they check cancer patients not 80%, not 90%, not 99%, 100% of all cancer patients are over loaded with acid.  If you Change the oil on the car every 3,000 miles, it will perform better as it ages.

The water has the ability to penetrate you at a cellular level and clean cells.  Cleaner cells equal healthy body.  Oil and water don’t mix.  No matter what water you mix oil it will separate it, the oil will be on top.  Kangen water will break it down and emulsify it.  Watch the presentation.


We were told that our body has a temperature of 98.6 and when it goes up tomorrow morning you have to do something about it.  We were’t told that our body has a normal PH Balance of 7.365 and as you age it goes up and it doesn’t warn you like a temperature.

When a baby is born it’s alkaline, why, because moms ambianic fluid is pure alkaline and the baby is in there for 9 months.  When a human dies it’s acidic.  Now let me repeat that, this is a clue.  When a baby is born its alkaline.  When a human dies it’s acidic.

The water has anti aging properties.  You drink the water it will hydrate you because it’s micro-cluster, it will clean your cells, detoxify you.  When you press a button, the machine  will filter the water, charge it, split it and on the other side it will come out the most powerful anti-oxidant liquid in the world.

The unit will last 20-25 years, you might ask how, because of the units that are out in the market place.  This is not a one year old company that tells you it will last 10 years.

The company also does zero down financing, they haven’t got a turn down.  That’s how confident the company is and strong.  The units were on back order.

You might think you have money problems, the money is not the problem.  People win million in lottery and go broke later, because they spend it.  If you got a flat tire, you would come up with the money to get a new tire.

Change your water and change your health.  Get your machine and see how it will change your life.


If you got any questions leave a comment or email me:

The company does zero turndown financing.  Change your finances put in your email and number.  Watch the presentation and get started.  Change your water, change your life, change your finances.






Alkaline – Cure To Disease

Your Sickness and aging is do to too much acid in your body.

Alkaline – Cure To Disease

Living tissue and oxidation it equals to sickness and aging.

There is a couple of things that I wanted to talk to you about.  How to not to get sick or how to prevent aging faster than anything you can do.

It calls for 3 things:

1. Anti-Oxidant

2. Micro-Cluster

3. Alkaline

Alkaline in your body

Too much acid in your body equals sickness and aging.  When a baby is born it’s alkaline, when a human dies it’s acidic.  The reasons the baby is alkaline because moms ambianic fluid is alkaline and the is in there for 9 months.

A human disease cannot survive in a alkaline state.  It’s like trying to plan an orchid in the North Pole.  Couple decades ago there was a worst thing in the United Stated,  heart attack.  What is the number 1 problem now in North America, It’s called cancer.  Whenever they check cancer patients, not 80%, not 90%, not 99%, 100% of the time they’re overloaded with acid.

Dr. Otto Warburg received a nobel prize for advancing the human kind in medicine.  He found the root of cancer.  It says all over his report how to help handle it “alkaline”.

We were told that our body has a temperature of 98.6, and if it goes up tomorrow you have to do something about  it.  We were never told that our body has a normal PH Balance of 7.356, and as you get older it goes up.  And it doesn’t warn you like a temperature.

When your body Oxidizes

Take a avocado on a day like today, cut it in half, put it on the kitchen table, go to the store shopping, come bak and you’ll know what oxidation is.  The banana will tell you the same thing.  Lettuce turns brown.

Oxidation and living tissue equal sickness and aging.  Slowing down the oxidation will slow down sickness and aging, faster than anything you can do.

What is oxidation?

Soda is the worst thing that a human body ingests, it has a (-400) in Oxidation Reduction Potential, it’s the fastest thing to oxidize,  if you take soda, go to your car pour it on the rust of batter acid it will remove it, all the guys know about that.  If you don’t believe me, take a old penny that was oxidized and put it a cup of soda and leave it in there for for a day, you’ll see.

If you want to get old fast, drink a lot of soda, you’ll there first, you win.  Sports drinks and some of the tap water we were let to believe it was good for us.

If you take Vitamin C it goes to (-50) approximately in anti-oxidants, green tea is right there (-80) in Oxidation Reduction Potential, than the highest one was cod liver oil, if you drink a pitcher of cod liver oil a day, it’s very good for you, you’ll probably slip and slide everywhere, but it’s good for you.

Best way to slow down oxidation

Now take a look at Kangen Water, it goes from (-300), (-400), it goes up to (-700) and (-800) in Oxidation Reduction Potential, there is nothing higher than that.  What the water has is active hydrogen, there is 4-7 places in the world with water that has active hydrogen, people from all over go there.

There is 5 types of water the machine makes.  When you press the button on the machine it will produce water that will kill 99.9% of bacteria in 30-60 seconds.  It will produce water that will, if you have a kitchen top, it will out clean oil better and faster than anything that you have in the kitchen.  The machine will filter the water, change it  and split the water, that makes it the most powerful anti-oxidant in the world.

When you drink the water it will hydrate your brain in 30-60 seconds, you might think you have a head ache, it’s not a head ache its a head rush.  The water has the potential to reach every part of your skin in approximately 10 minutes.  Cleaner cells equal cleaner body.

We all were taught that we’re 75% water, but what they didn’t tell you is how you flush this machine will determine how it ages, what it gets, and how it performs.  Take two people who have the same car, same year.  One owner takes care of it, and the other doesn’t.  If you change the oil every 3,000 miles, it will last longer, perform better as it get older.

Micro-Cluster – how does the water work?

The water is micro cluster, it has the ability to reach every cell in your body.  The water is so small that it will emulsify oil, it will out clean any cleaner in your kitchen.  There is different grades of water, small, big.  You made small water before, when you boil a pan of water, you left the room forgot about it, came back and you were cooking nothing but a pan.  The water turned into steam and it boils ,and get’s smaller and smaller and the steam disappears.

The machine has the technology that will filter the water, charge the water and split the water and it will come out on the other end alkaline.

Keep in mind this is not a water filter.

LevelLuke makes the water on the other end come out the most powerful anti-oxidant in the world, most powerful cleaning agent, clean clean cells in your body, helps with cancer, arthritis, diabetes, joints, back pains, sleep better.

The machine is not a water filter it is a medial device, if you have a skin condition it will help it.  LeveLuk is endorsed by the Japanese association.  if you go to Enagic it has all the seals of preventative medicine for disease.  The largest and most prestigious group of doctors in Asia 6,500, that’s the first ionizer they’re ever endorsed, It has all the credentials and it’s the only one that is licensed as medical equipment.

This is the top of the line.  Every unit compares them-self to this one, we’re the same but half off, we’re the same but $1,000 cheaper.  No, they’re cheaper because they’re cheaper.

World renowned Dr. Shinya is know for the procedure called colonoscopy, world renowned doesn’t mean you have to know him, it means he’s world renowned for his invention.  That is the doctor that helped invent a procedure called colonoscopy.  And if you don’t know what it is, don’t worry you’ll probably will need his invention.  One day it’s going to sneak behind you.  Just kidding, it’s a time release joke.

He invented the procedure were they cut the palet, instead of cutting you, they go inside of you, cut it, and take it out.  it’s called the Shinya method. And where he’s at is really strong.  As a matter affect he’s written several books that sold over a half a million copies. This one has sold over 2 million, It’s called The Enzyme Factor.  Now tis Doctor right here, this is the biggest clue.  He can from you from your picture, your diet, probably how old you are, your problem.

Here is the biggest clue, he prescribes Kangen water to every single one of his patients as a part of their treatment regimen in his part of his facility.  He prescribes Kangen water.  he doesn’t work for the company, he’s not a officer for the company.  And he says it on his book.

All the books say it, Disease come from one root, too much acid.  You’re not sick you’re thirsty.

You should see what happens to his people.

The company does it’s own financing and they have Zero credit turndown, that’s how strong and confident the company is.  Go here to get more information, for better health, life and finances.

And if you think you have no money, the money is not the problem, there is millionaires that won the lottery and later were broke.  They spend all the money.  If you got a flat tire, you would come up with the money to get a new tire.

Talk soon and see you on the inside,




How To Cure Disease

Disease comes from one root:  Too much Acid in your body.

How To Cure Disease

Sickness and aging is  a result of too much acid in your body.  So oxidation and living tissue equals sickness and aging.

Three things that I wanted to talk to you about:

  1. Anti-Oxidant
  2. Micro-Cluster
  3. Alkaline


Oxidation in your body equals sickness and aging.  If you don’t know what oxidation is take an avocado, like today, cut it half, put it on the kitchen table and go to the store shopping, come back and you’ll know what oxidation is.  You can ask the banana it will tell you the same thing.

Actually you want to slow down the oxidation, you’ll slow down the aging process and it will slow down sickness.

Soda is the worst that was found for the thing that we ingest it has (+400) in Oxidation Reduction Potential, it’s the fastest thing to oxidize, if you want to get older faster drink a lot of soda.  You  can get there first.  Sport drinks and some of the tap water we were led to believe it was supposed to be good for us.

If you take Vitamin C it goes to (-50) approximately in anti-oxidant.  Green tea is right there about (-80) in Oxidation Reduction Potential, then there is all the berries, and the highest that was found is cod liver oil.  You know if you drink a pitcher of cod liver oil every day it’s very good for you.  You’ll probably slip and slide everywhere, but it’s good for you.

Now take a look at Kangen water, it goes from (-300), (-400) s high as (-700) ad (-800) in anti-oxidant, that’s the highest that we found.  There is nothing higher that that.


The second property it has hydration, the is micro-cluster, in other words you’re drinking tiny water.  The water has the ability to penetrate you at a cellular level.  Let me tell you what happens when you drink the water:  it hydrates your brain in approximately 30-60 seconds.  That’s why some people when they drink the water , they think they have head ache, you don’t have a head ache, you have a head rush.

Second it has the ability to touch every part of your skin in approximately 10 minutes.  Look what it can do for your skin:  You should see if your friends kids who have bad acne, you should see their in 30-60 days.


Acid in your body always equal sickness because that’s whee they thrive and grow.  Acid causes all the problems.  Here is a thing: Human disease cannot survive in an alkaline state, it’s lie trying to plant an orchid in the North Pole, it ain’t gone happen.

When a child is first born it’s alkaline.  Here is why: Moms ambianic fluid is pure alkaline and the child is in there for 9 months.  When a human being dies they’re acidic.

So the next thing I wanted to tell you what was the worst thing in the United States decades ago, it was heart attack.  Today is something called cancer, number 1 problem in North America.  Whenever they check cancer patients, not 80%, not 90%, not 99%, 100% percent of all cancer patients are over loaded with acid.

Dr. Otto Warburg he received a nobel prize for advancing human kind in medicine because he found the root cause of cancer.  It says all over his report, how to help handle it “alkaline”.

We were told that our body has a temperature of 98.6, if tomorrow you wake it and it’s higher, you have to do something about it.  We never knew that our body has a normal PH Balance of 7.365 and it keeps moving up as you get older, and it doesn’t warn you like a temperature.

Kangen Water

Helps with acid reflex, arthritis, joints, diabetes,  sleep better, back pains.  If you go to Enagic you’ll see all kinds of awards, medical ones.  This machine is not a water filter, it’s a medical device.  if you press a button on the machine it will ill 99.9% of all bacteria in about 30-60 seconds.  A water filter never did that.  If you have a skin condition, it will help it.

LevelLuke is the only one that is endorsed by the Japanese association.  If you go to Enagic It has all the seals for preventative medicine for disease.  This is the largest and the most prestigious group of doctors in Asia 6,500.  The first ionizer they ever endorsed.  It has all the credentials and it’s licensed as a medical equipment.

Every unit compares them self to this one, we’re the same but we’re half off. We’re the same but $1,000 cheaper, they’re cheaper because they’re cheaper.  This unit will make water if your kitchen top gets greasy, it will out clean the oil better than anything that you have in the kitchen.

World renowned Dr. Shinya is know for his invented procedure called colonoscopy.  if you don’t know what it is, every person will meet his invention some day.  It’s a time release joke.  The procedure he invented where they don’t cut you, they cut into you, cut the palet, cut it out and take it out.  it’s called the Shinya method.

He’s written several books that sold over a half a million in copies.  This one sold 2 million it;s called The Enzyme Factor.  This doctor right here can tell from a picture your diet, your age probably, your problem.  Here is the biggest clue, he prescribes Kangen water to every single patient as  part of their treatment regimen in part of his facility, and you should see what happens to his people.  As a matter afect he says it on the back of his book.  And he’s not a officer of the company.

All the books say disease comes from one root, too much acid.

The water had the ability to penetrate you at a cellular level.  It has the ability to do different things in your body.

You can change your life, change your water and change your health.  Change you life and financial life.

Talk soon,































How To Cure Diabetes

Diabetes is usually a condition of high sugar in the blood.  There is insufficient production of insulin and it causes diabetes.

How To Cure Diabetes

Here is 3 things that I want to talk to you about:

1. Anti-Oxidant                                                                                                                                            2. Micro-Clustering                                                                                                                                     3. Alkaline

We’re taught that our body is 70-75% water.  Let e tell you what we weren’t taught, how to flush this machine will determine how it ages, what it gets and how it performs.  Acid in your body equals sickness and aging.

Dr. Otto Warburg received a nobel prize for advancing the human kind in medicine, because he found the root of cancer.  And what say in his report how to handle it “alkaline”.  Acid in your body always equals sickness, that’s where they thrive and grow,a cid causes all the problems.  Human disease cannot survive in an alkaline state.  It’s like trying to plant an orchid in the North Pole, it ain’t gone happen.


When a baby is born they’re alkaline, because the moms ambianic fluid is alkaline and the baby is in there for 9 months.  When a human dies its acidic.  The older you get the more acidic you get it’s called oxidation.

Take an avocado, cut it in half, put it on the kitchen table, to to the store shopping and come back and you’ll know what oxidation is, the banana will tell you the same thing.  The worst thing that a human body can ingest is soda it is (+400) In Oxidation Reduction Potential, if you want to get old fast drink a lot of soda.  Sports drinks some of the tap water we led to believe it was supposed to be good for us, tap water is about (+200) neutral.

Now we have Vitamin C it goes to (-50) in Oxidation Reduction Potential, approximately in anti-oxidants.  Green tea is about (-80), and the highest that was found is cod liver oil.  You know if you drink a pitcher of cod liver oil every day, it’s very good for you,  you’ll slip and slide everywhere, but it’s very good for you.

Now take a Look At Kangen water it goes from  (-300) in Oxidation Reduction Potential, to (-400), as high as (-700), and (-800) in Oxidation Reduction Potential, that’s the highest that is is found on the planet.  There is nothing higher than that.

Were taught that our body has a temperature of 98.6 and if it goes higher we have to do something about it.  We never knew that we also had a normal PH Balance of 7.365 and it keeps moving up a you get older, but it doesn’t warn you like a temperature.

The water has a very hight Oxidation Reduction Potential.  It will help you with acid reflex, arthritis,, joints, diabetes, sleep better, pack pain.  It’s also anti-inflammatory.

The machine is not a water filter, it’s a medical device.  If you press a button on the machine it will produce water that will kill 99.9% of bacteria in 30 t0 60 seconds.  if you have a skin condition it  will help it.

Enagic LevelLuke

LevelLuk is the only one endorsed by the Japanese association.  if you go to Enagic it has all the seals of preventative medicine for disease.  This is the largest and most prestigious group of doctors in Asia 6,500.  That’s the first ionizer they’d ever endorsed.  It has all the credentials and it’s the only one that is licensed as a medial equipment.

Other units compare to this one, we’re half off, we’re $1,000 cheaper, they’re cheaper cause they’er cheaper.  This is the top of the line.  The unit will makes water when your kitchen top becomes greasy, it will out clean the oil better faster than anything that you have in the kitchen.


So oxidation and living tissue equal sickness and aging.  Actually you want to slow the aging process down, and slowing down oxidation will slow down sickness and aging faster than anything you can do.

The unit when the water goes through it, it filters it, charges it, and splits it, you can read about it, it makes the highest anti-oxidant liquid that is found.  It has anti-aging properties.  It actually has  the ability to slow down aging.


When you drink the water within 30to 60 second it will hydrate your brain, some people might think they have a head ache, it’s not a head ache its a head rush.  Second it has the ability to touch every  part of your skin in approximately 10 minutes.  you should see what it will do to your skin or your children’s who have bad acne in 30-60 days.  The water has the ability.

World renowned Dr. Shinya invented a procedure called colonoscopy where they don’t cut you, they cut into you and cut the palet and take it out.  It’s called the Shinya method.  He’s written several book that sold half a million copies, this one sold 2 million The Enzyme Factor, he doesn’t work for the company and he says it on back of the book that he prescribes Kangen water.  As a part of his treatment he prescribes Kangen water to all of his patients in his facility and you should see the results.

The company makes about $30 million in sales a month.  People like Oprah Winfrey, Tony Robbins, Jennifer Lopez, many other athletes and celebrities, and people use this machine.  It doesn’t won’t cost you $10,000 or $20,000, it can sell for that much if it was store marketed.

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