How Knagen Water Will Get Rid Of Sickness And Aging

Healthy Cells Produce Healthy Cells.

How Kangen Water Will Get Rid Of Sickness

Here is some of the things Kangen Water kelps with: Acid reflex, arthritis, joints, diabetes, sleep better, back pains.  Many other things That World Renowned Dr. Shinya prescribes Kangen Water to ever one of his patients as part of their treatment in part of his facility.

He travels around the world and helps celebrities, Presidents, Queens and many other people.

What is Kangen Water and Enagic

If you go to Enagic you’ll see all kind of awards, medical ones.

The machine is not a water filter it’s a medical device. Watch the video.  If you press a button on the machine it will produce water that will kill 99.9% of bacteria in 30-60 seconds.  A water filter never did that.  if you have a skin condition like eczema, it will help it.


The machine will produce water of 2.5 PH acidic water.

LevelLuk is the only one that is endorsed by the Japanese association.  It has all the seals of the preventative medicine for disease.  The ones that catch some eye are by IOS – they give the strictest guidelines in manufacturing.


No other ionizer in the market place has those seals.  Enagic is the first one.  This is the largest and the most prestigious group of Doctors in Asia 6,500.  That’s the first ionizer they’d ever endorsed.  it has all the credentials, and it’s the only one licensed as a medical equipment.  This is the top of the line.

Every unit compares them self to this one, we’re the same only half off, we’re the same only $1,000 cheaper.  No, you’re cheaper because you’re cheaper.  This is the Mercedes Benz in the industry.

This unit makes 5 types of water.


This unit right here makes water if your kitchen top becomes greasy, when you put Windex, Fantastic, 409 use all of them and wipe it.  And when you take this water and spray it, it will out clean the oil better, faster than anything you have in your kitchen.

It’s approved as a medical device, and it’s designed to last 20-25 years.  and you know how it lasts that long? By the units that are out in the market place.  This is not a 1 year old company that telling you this unit will last 10 years.  How do they?  It is out there right now.

Here is 3 things it has.

1. Anti-Oxidant

2. Micro-Cluster

3. Alkaline

Let me tell you some things about it.


So oxidation and living tissue equal sickness and aging.  Actually you want to slow the aging process down, and slowing down oxidation will slow sickness and aging down faster than anything you can do.

This unit when the water goes through it, it filters it, charges it, and splits it, you can read about it, it has the technology that makes it the highest anti-oxidant liquid that has been able to be found.

Also it’s anti-inflammatory, that’s why it helps with Gout, that’s why it helps with inflammation issues.  That’s why it helps people that have Edema.  And it’s also anti aging, it has anti aging properties.  It has the ability to slow down aging, because the water as you’ll see in number 2 has the ability to get to your cells and clean them.  And healthy cells produce healthy cells.

The water has very high Oxidation Reduction Potential.  This is what was checked out.  The worst one that we found was soda for the thing we ingest, that’s the worst one.  It has (+400) in Oxidation Reduction Potential.  it’s one of the fastest thing to oxidize.  If you don’t know what oxidation is take an avocado on a day like today, cut it in half, put it on the kitchen table, go to the store, come back and you’ll know what oxidation is.  The banana will tell you the same  thing, lettuce turns brown.

if you want to get old faster, drink a lot of soda, you’ll get there first.  You win.  Sport drinks and some of the tap water we were led to believe it was supposed to be good for us.


If you take a meter and go here —> it goes to plus.  If you go to Vitamin  C it goes to (-50) approximately in anti-oxidant.  Green tea is right here, look at the that about (-80), then all the berries.  And the highest that was found is cod liver oil.  You know what if you drink a pitcher of cod liver oil every day, it’s very good for you.  You’ll probably slip and slide everywhere but it’s good for you.

Now take a look at Kangen Water, it goes from (-300), (-400), as high as (-700) and (-800) in anti oxidant. That’s the highest one that is found.  There is nothing higher than that.  Let me tell you what happens when you drink the water.  It hydrates your brain in approximately 30-60 seconds.  People might think it’s a head ache they get, but it’s a head rush.  Second it has the ability to touch every part of your skin in 10 minutes or so.  you should see what it will do to your skin, friends and children if they have bad acne.  You should see the skin in 30-60 days.


the water has the ability to penetrate you.  Unbelievable water.  This is the most important thing here.  We’e taught that we’re 72% water.  And this is what I wasn’t taught, how you flush this machine will determine how it ages, what it gets and how it performs.  It’s sort of common sense, you have two car owners, one takes care of his car, one doesn’t, if you change the oil every 3,000 miles it will last longer and perform better as it ages.


All this information that I will be giving you is accurate, you can Google it, it will come back the same, go to the library, it will come back the same.  You can ask Doctors, they’ll basically will tell you the same thing.  Alkaine in your body always equal health.  Acid in your body always equal sickness.  I never knew that.  Because that’s where they thrive, they grow, that’s what activates them.  Acid causes all the problems .

Here is another thing I found out.  Human disease cannot survive in a Alkaline state.  It’s like trying to plant a orchid in the North Pole.  It ain’t gone happen.  Here is another.  When a child is born it’s Alkaline.  I never knew that.  Because moms amniotic fluid is Alkaline, pure Alkaline.  And the baby is in there for 9 months.  When they come out they’re Alkaline.  When a human being dies they’re acidic.

Now I’m going to say this again.  When you’re born.  When you die.  That is called a clue.

What is the worst thing that happened in the United States.  Because several decades ago it used to be called a heart attack.  Today it’s something called cancer.  Number 1 problem, you can check it out.  Number 1 problem in North America.

Now here is the thing.  Whenever they check Cancer patients, not 80%, not 90%, not 99%, 100% of all Cancer patients are over loaded with acid.

See I was told that I had a normal Temperature of 98.6, if it goes up tomorrow, I have to do something about it.  I never knew I also had a normal PH Balance and it keeps moving up as you get older, and it doesn’t warn you like a Temperature.  Not saying to stop eating salmon or blueberries, saying you need to balance it out.

World Renowned Dr. Shinya is know for his invention colonoscopy.  He invented the procedure, instead of cutting you, they go inside of you, cut the palet and take it out.  It’s called the Shinya method.  He wrote several books that sold half of million copies, that on “The Enzyme Factor”.  He prescribes Kangen Water to every single one of his patients as a part of their treatment regiment in part of his facility.  He even says it on the back of his book.

You should see what it does to his patients.  These picture are a bit graphic.  Take a look.

52 year old male with prostate cancer.  Before and after 3 months on Knagen Water.


45 year old female with Breast Cancer and Chronic Constipation.  Before and after 3 months on Kangen Water.


This is I think after like 2 days of cleansing.

Kangen Colin

On the left side it’s dark and brown, dark and brown.  On the left side it’s always pink and healthy, pink and healthy.  The water is unbelievable.

The company does it’s own financing, zero credit turn down, that’s how confident and strong the company is.  If the machine was sold in stores it would have a 2 to 3 times retail markup.  You’ll get the machine directly from the manufacturer.  Learn more and get you machine here.  I’ll get in contact with you.

To your health and success,






How To Cure Cancer With Water

If you’re looking for a healthier life and better health you should read this post.

How To Cure Cancer

What is the worst thing that happened in the United States that is causing problems, because several decades ago it used to be called heart disease.  Today it’s something called cancer.  Number 1 problem in North America.

Now here is the thing .  Whenever they check cancer patients not 80%, not 90%, not 99%, 100% of all cancer patients are over loaded with acid.  Here is some back up.  Dr.  Otto Warburg received a Nobel Prize for advancing human kind in medicine, because he found the root of all cancer.  Guess what his report says, how to help handle it “alkaline”.

Acid in your body always equals sickness, because that’s where it thrives and grows, acid causes all the problems.  Here is another thing: Human disease cannot survive in an alkaline state.  It’s like trying to plant an orchid in the North Pole it ain’t gone happen.

Here is another thing: When a child is first born, it’s alkaline.  Reason: Moms ambianic fluid is alkaline, pure alkaline and the child is in there for 9 months.  When a child comes out it’s alkaline, when a human dies it’s acid.  This is called a clue.

The water that I will be talking about has a very high oxidation reduction potential.  Here is something that was check out:  The worst thing that a human ingests is soda, it is (+400) in oxidation reduction potential, it’s one of the fastest things to oxidize, if you want to get old fast drink a lot of soda.  Sport drinks some of the tap water we led to believe it was supposed to be good for us.  Here is the meter:  Tap water and bottled water is about (+200), vitamin c goes to (-50) approximately in antioxidants.

Green tea is right there (-80).  The highest was cod liver oil, you know if you drink a pitcher a day, it’s very good for you.  You’ll probably slip and slide everywhere but it’s good for you.  Now if you take a look at Kangen water it goes from (-300), (-400), seen it as high as (-700), and (-800) in antioxidants.  That’s the highest that was found, there is nothing higher than that, this is the water of youth and health.  Go to this link, this is where you will get your machine.  you can go straight to the purchase, the company also does financing, contact me if you any questions.

Alkaline in your body always equals health.  By the way this is the highest antioxidant liquid that we’ve been able to find on the planet.  If you don’t know what antioxidants are the induce DNA damage.

Take a look at an avocado, cut it in half, put it on the kitchen table, go to to store  and come back and you’ll know what oxidation is, go get a banana it it will tell you the same thing.

The machine is not a water filter, if you go to Enagic you’ll see all kind of medical awards.  This is a medical device.  If you press a button the machine will produce water that will kill 99.9% of all bacteria in about 30-60 seconds.  If you have a skin condition it will help it.  LevelLuk is the only one that is endorsed by the Japanese medical association.  If you go to Enagic it has all the seals of preventative medicine for disease.

This is the largest and most prestige group of Doctors in Asia 6,500.  That is the first ionizer they ever endorsed, it has all the credentials, and it’s the only one that is licensed as medical equipment.  Every unit compares, they’re the same but half off, we’re the same but $1,000 cheaper, they’re cheaper because they’re cheaper.  This is the Mercedes Bens in the industry.

The unit is designed to last 20-25 years, and how do they know.  Because of all the units  that are out in the market place.  This is not a 1 year company that tells you it will last 10 years.

It has anti aging properties.  oxidation and living tissue equal sickness and aging.  You actually want to slow the aging process down, slowing down oxidation will slow sickness and aging.  Faster than anything that you can do.

The unit, when water goes through it, it has the technology that filters it, charges it, splits it.  It makes it the highest anti oxidant liquid.  You probably know Tony Robbins, Oprah Winfrey, Jennifer Lopez, Ron Perlman, and many more all use this machine.  It doesn’t cost $10,000 or $20,000 which it could if was marketed in the stores maybe even more.

Here is the 3 things it has.

  1. Anti Oxidant
  2. Micro Clustering
  3. Alkaline

Highest anti oxidant that has been found on the planet.  If you drink the water 30-60 seconds hydrates your brain.  In approximately 10 minutes it has the ability to touch every part of your skin, it has the ability go get to your cells and clean them, and healthy cells produce healthy cells.  We talked about alkaline.

They teach you that your body is 70-75% water, but they don’t teach you how you flush it it will determine how it ages, what it gets and how it performs.   We’re told that our body temperature is 98.6, if it goes higher you have to do something about it.   What we didn’t know is that our body also has a normal PH balance of 7.365 and it keeps moving as you get older, but it doesn’t warn you like a temperature.

Here:  World renowned Dr. Shinya  is known for his invention colonoscopy, it’s a procedure, where they don’t cut you, they go inside of you, cut the palet and take it out.  He wrote several books that sold a half of million copies.  This one sold 2 million The Enzyme Factor.  He doesn’t work for the company, he prescribes Kangen water to all his patients as part of their treatment regimen in his part of the facility, and he says it on back of his book.   He prescribes Kangen water and you should see what happens to his people.

All the books say it, all disease comes from the root of too much acid.

The water is unbelievable.  Go to this link, and get the machine.   The company does financing as low as $100 with no credit check.  There is other credit options.  If you have any question how to get no credit check financing, contact me or leave a comment with your email.

Talk soon,
